Kfx 90 Top Speed
KFX90 Questions
My son has a 2007 KFX90 and he loves it. My question is how much top speed does the machine gain when you have the speed reduction collar removed from the transmission? The dealer told me the top speed difference is quite significant. I would also like to know where I could buy a front bumper for this machine? Not many places carry aftermarket parts for this machine. Any help would greatly appreciated.
2007 Can-Am DS 650 X
2007 Kawasaki KFX 90
2005 Redcat 50
Most mini's run out about 25-35 mph.Don't know about the bumper.
Maybe ask in the Kymco section.
2000 GNC 5N\
2001 GNC 9N \ 40+ class
2004 GNC 9N /
2014 rock crusher "GO tortoise GO!"
2016 Byrd Rooster
Father of the "11" time National champion,and worlds fastest woman ATV racer
A few fast LT80's
350 Rancher
Kymco Mongoose
Survivor of the 12 Hours of ATV America 04 and 05
yep.....you need to look for bumpers for the Kymco Mongoose 50/90
LT80, when you say most minis run out at 25-to-30. I should have calrrified and said will the increase in speed overwhelm my son when the speed reduction collar is taken out?
I will check the kymcon section for bumpers.
2007 Can-Am DS 650 X
2007 Kawasaki KFX 90
2005 Redcat 50
I don't know the age/expierience of your rider but I'd think your rider can handle it.
Do the parent thing, turn the limiting screw in on the throttle and see how he/she does.![]()
2000 GNC 5N\
2001 GNC 9N \ 40+ class
2004 GNC 9N /
2014 rock crusher "GO tortoise GO!"
2016 Byrd Rooster
Father of the "11" time National champion,and worlds fastest woman ATV racer
A few fast LT80's
350 Rancher
Kymco Mongoose
Survivor of the 12 Hours of ATV America 04 and 05
Cosinostra, was a significant change in top end?
2007 Can-Am DS 650 X
2007 Kawasaki KFX 90
2005 Redcat 50
Cosinostra, Was there a significant increase in top end?
2007 Can-Am DS 650 X
2007 Kawasaki KFX 90
2005 Redcat 50
my son was 4 when his was totally unrestricted, and had been riding a $500 knock off 70 4 stroke unstricted at 3....his mongoose 50 is a 2 stroke and he is now 5 years old with a 70cc kit with more goodies and can handle it fine....they know when too much gas is too much....
one good thing about the 4 strokes is that they have a motor break....sorta....lol.. when you let off the gas with a 4 stroke, they will automatically start to slow down...with a 2 stroke, it has no valves to push pressure back on the piston and it will just free wheel and you have to use the brakes more....i would say, if you take the chance and unrestrict it, the kid will only take about 1 good day and they will have it ....my son was 3 and he was riding for about 2 weekends before i took the screw all the way out on his $500 knock off BTM 70cc...it was really really skinny and a flip hazard from the beginning, but he handled it great....then when he got the mongoose 50...it was alot wider so he really took it great...i had to take out all the restrictions because it was alot slower than the knock off...and the handling was 100% better....he was flying and could sling it in the turns....its better to have the extra power in the turns....kinda helps with it not fliping...the rearend just slings around when they mat it....
to tell you the truth....i found all this out by accident..lol
me and my brother was playing with my son's old knock off one day and took the screw all the way out....and i forgot to put it back in,
then my son hopped on it and was doing good, but i noticed that he was getting faster in the straight aways.....(holly cow, I forgot to put the screw back in)....well, i watched him for about 10 mins, and he was doing great, so I tossed the screw and learned my lesson...give them all from the get go...they will adapt great...thier little minds are like a sponge...
Source: http://www.atvriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?333260-KFX90-Questions